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Fulanito - Vacaneria


Staff member
Fulanito - Vacaneria

This group is known for their crazy style of Merengue music and it don't stop with the old,. even this newest release from Fulanito host such calabo's such as Keven Ceballo, La Banda Gorda, Truko & Magic Juan. With the scene of Reggaeton being so strong at the moment it's no wonder why so many groups of the past are working with that style of music. Fulanito still keeps their flava of Merengue & incorporate the sounds of Reggaeton & Hip Hop in some tracks. This album is a sure fire for all you Merengue headz out their so be sure to get your copy today at a store near you. Here's a clip & enjoy.

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Fulanito - Ajena (Feat. Magic Juan & Truko)